We'll Rewrite Your Vague Landing Page Into A Clear One In 7 Days

Squeeze 25%, 50% or even 100% extra conversions per page by getting it fully rewritten! We will handle everything from headlines, to the layout, to the body text and even create instructions for a smooth hand off!

Featured in events, podcasts, newsletters, groups and masterminds all over the SaaS Industry!

100% Custom - No Templates

100% Fully customised for your specific needs.
No templates used.

No Commitment - Pay Per Page

An all-in-one customer service platform that helps you balance everything your customers need to be happy.

Done in 7 Business Days

From the research to a fully finished page in 7 days. 1 iteration included with a 5 day turnaround.

Regular Agency Work Doesn't Fit SaaS Companies...

Integration icon

Too Many (Useless) Meetings

Lack of research or experience lead to lots of meetings to make simple decisions.
Integration icon

Big Scope, Huge Price Tag $$

Agencies never take 1, 2 or even 3 page projects. Most start at 25-35k per project.
Integration icon

Constant "Baby" Sitting

Need to provide feedback on every detail or worse, pinging them to get work done!

Let's Do The Opposite of Agencies
(& Do It Better)

No Meetings*

*After the initial 60 min onboarding call we do everything in Slack, no time wasted in meetings.

No Commitment - Pay Per Page

An all-in-one customer service platform that helps you balance everything your customers need to be happy.

Guaranteed Results

If you can prove in a clear A/B test the page converted worse, we'll rewrite you a new one.

Here's How We Can Write The Perfect Page In 7 Business Days (& 1/2 The Cost)

A page that is optimized for conversions, has your tone of voice, has enough information about your product and meets any other goals you have for that page. Here's how we do it!
The Research - Product, Competitors, Objections...
It starts by you filling a 10 min form so Pedro can prepare for our 60 min onboarding call where we will learn about the product, your challenges and your goals. Then we will look at your competitors, your reviews, common objections your get and many more details which will help us make all the decisions we need to write the perfect page. At any point we might also ask you questions in Slack (where we will do our async communication) if there's anything missing or feel free to add suggestions of your own in Slack too!
Adapting Our Process To Your Goals & Tone Of Voice
During the first couple days of the whole process which includes the research and the onboarding parts we will also ask you about your goals for that page, for other pages you like and even establish your tone of voice so you can get a landing page you like and fits your brand perfectly (while hitting your conversion goals).
A Few Days Later... You'll Get Your Landing Page!
No need for baby sitting, go focus on your other responsibilities stress free and 7 business days after your onboarding call you'll get a super solid first draft that's 95% finished. We just need your final approval in case there's any tiny detail missing or some sort of promise that is not accurate. 80% of projects get delivered without any iterations needed! Don't worry, there's one iteration included as long as you give us feedback within 5 business days of delivering the first draft.
Post Delivery - Ensuring Great Results
We want you to get great results so we don't deliver just the copy. We deliver very clear implementation instructions, video instructions (and why we made some of the decisions we did), ideas for testing it and even design suggestions to ensure a very smooth hands-off. Need a quick look at it once the page is live to make sure everything is good? No worries, ping me in Slack and Pedro will send you a loom video back if there are any changes needed.

"What's The Deliverable? I Want To See Examples!"

Nearly 2x trials and 50% more demos, here's the before vs after

Example Of The Deliverable And The Live Version Of The Landing Page

Example Designed To Attract More Enterprise Leads (While Keeping The Current Ones)

Think I Can't Learn About Your Product In Time? Watch This

How We Ensure A Smooth Handoff To Your Designer(s)

"What About Actual Results?"

Worked with over 140+ B2B SaaS companies over the years, here are some examples.

25% Increase in Expansion Revenue From One Page

Corey Haines
Former CMO

20% Increase in Sign Ups

Stefan Smulders

From 1-2 Leads a Week To 5-6 Leads a Day

Kirill Klokov

25% Increase in Demos Within a Month

Darby Dupre
Former Product Marketing Manager

40% Increase in MRR After Finding the Right Niche and Changing the Positioning

Anton van Rhyn

80% Revenue Increase on the Pricing Page in 30 days

Adrian Tobe

"Would You Recommend Others To Work With Pedro?"

100% Custom - No Templates
Every single page is written from scratch based on your unique product, target market and positioning challenges!
Pays Itself - Guaranteed ROI*
A few extra customers and this page pays itself! We aim for 5-10x ROI.
Doing more than 3 pages? Get a Discount!
Get a discount if you get more than 3 pages, email me for a custom quote! Email me: pedro@cortes.design

Pay Per Page

$3250 USD
Done in 7 Business Days
Suggestions on how to test it
All the copy included
Slack Support
Layout & image suggestions
Your brand voice (but improved)
Instructions for the designer
Audit log and notes
Research included
Pedro reviews every page
Order Your Project

We Can Write Any Type of Landing Page!

2 Options: We can rewrite your current pages or write new ones you don't have yet (both are written from scratch)
Comparison Pages
Demo or Sign Up Pages
Industry Pages
PPC Landing Pages
Pricing Page
About Us
How It Works/Features

Need Help Scoping Your Project? Book A Free Call

I'll analyse your pages and what needs to be tweaked
Get a custom quote based on your needs
Ask any questions (process, examples, results...)

Frequently asked questions

Who chooses which pages to tweak?
You can select whatever pages you'd like us to rewrite. If you're not confident on which ones to tweak you can email Pedro which pages you're considering along with some of stats on their current traffic and conversions so he can help you find your low hanging fruit! Email:pedro@cortes.design
How do you handle iterations?
The first version of the page is ready to be implemented within 7 business days, however, if there's anything missing or any sort of mistake on our end we will get it fixed as long as you gave us the feedback within 5 business days of us sending the page.
I want to speak with someone, can I book a call?
Yes you can book a call with Remus who is in charged of intro calls, Pedro will deal with onboarding as soon as you become a client. Book an intro call here
Can I see more examples of your work?
Sure thing! Since new pages are constantly being added or tweaked over time it's best that you request them via email. Tell us which industry or problem you'd like to get an example of and Pedro will email you back within 1-2 business days. Email: pedro@cortes.design
Can I get a custom quote?
Yes! If you're doing more simple pages like Sign up pages, demo pages or maybe you want more than 3 pages which will get you a good discount so getting a custom quote is ideal. Want a custom quote? Email me: pedro@cortes.design
How do you learn about our product, positioning and the market?
Pedro uses the first 2 days of the project to do all the research including the onboarding call, checking out competitors, checking reviews and much more to ensure we have enough knowledge to write a much clearer, high converting page.
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